4 days ago

Ep 42: From Journalism to Monster Romance? A Conversation with Kel Bruem!

Welcome back again, you lovely Hemingway hopefuls and aspiring Austins!

šŸŽ™ļø In todayā€™s rip-roaring episode of the Pen to Profit Podcast, I chatĀ  with the fascinating Kel Bruem, a Bay Area-based indie author who spins tales of monster romance with a twist. Kel's works include titles like Whatā€™s Luck Got to Do with It and Every Bite You Take, and her upcoming novel Never Gonna Dig You Up promises to captivate readers with its unique blend of the mythical and the romantic. šŸ“ššŸ’˜


Why You Should Tune In:


If youā€™ve ever wondered how traditional romance tropes can transform under the influence of the monstrous and the magical, this episode is your gateway to a world where love knows no boundsā€”not even species lines! šŸŒŒšŸ‰


Problems Addressed:

- Breaking into the niche genre of monster romance.

- Overcoming the challenges of self-publishing and marketing in a saturated market.

- Balancing creative passion with commercial success.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Origin of Inspiration: Kel shares her journey from journalism to ghostwriting for C-suite executives, eventually finding her calling in the niche of monster romanceā€”a testament to following one's passion and adapting skills across careers.
  2. Monster Romance Defined: Unlike traditional paranormal romances, monster romance embraces the non-human aspects of its characters even in their humanoid forms, offering a fresh take on romantic storytelling.
  3. Marketing Strategies: Kel discusses the importance of being authentic and enthusiastic when promoting your work, the effectiveness of word-of-mouth marketing, and leveraging social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
  4. Creative Process: Insight into Kelā€™s approach to blending fantastical elements with romantic themes, and how her background in journalism enhances her dialogue and narrative structures.
  5. Community and Support: The significance of networking and community in the indie publishing world, highlighting how fellow authors can be invaluable resources.
  6. I am a not a singer.


And Don't ForgetĀ 


Donā€™t forget to subscribe to the Pen to Profit Podcast for more insights into turning your creative endeavors into profitable ventures.

Leave us a five-star review if you love diving into the depths of genre and character as much as we do! šŸŒŸšŸŽ§


Discover More:


Follow Kel on TikTok and Instagram @KelBruem to dive deeper into her world of unconventional romances and get updates on her latest releases. šŸ’Œ


Kelā€™s website with all her links: https://linktr.ee/kelbruem


For more info on the AuthorNation Conference Kel mentioned: https://claymore.kartra.com/page/UAB343


- Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips


Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html


Catch you next episode where we continue to explore the boundaries of literature and love!Ā 

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